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Scholarships | Tourism | Leadership Development | Mentorship | Small Business Grants
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Pathways Empowerment Program

Thanks to the generosity of many individuals and corporations, every year the SBCCC Foundation grants scholarships to graduating High School Seniors to continue their educational path.
2020-2021 San Benito County Chamber of Commerce Foundation Scholarship Awardees:

Diversity, Inclusivity and Leadership Development
- Support and resources for businesses and community groups that represent the diverse socioeconomic and cultural groups.
- Support and resources for women in business and leadership
- Leadership Programs: brings leaders and experts from the public and private sector together to help shape, and mentor the future county leaders contributing directly to enhance and better the community.
Designed for mid-to-senior level managers or leaders of managers.
Objective- build effective leaders who contribute to corporate-level success in their organizations. Focusing on Equality and inclusion, communication, self-awareness, resiliency, influence, and systematic thinking.